Mosaic Artwork Fund for
Mosaic Public Art at Mirebalais Hospital, Haiti
Laurel True/ True Mosaics Studio are Partnering with Partners in Health to bring public mosaic artwork for all to enjoy to PIH's newest hospital in Haiti. Please consider supporting this fund with a tax- deductible donation of any amount through Partners in Health. Donate now: https://donate.pih.org/page/outreach/view/haitiearthquake/LTrueMosaics For more information: http://www.truemosaics.com/pih.html For information on sponsorship opportunities and benefits, please see below:
Mosaic Artwork at Mirebalais Hospital, Haiti
Hello from Laurel True and thank you for your interest in my public and community mosaic projects.
I hope you will consider supporting my upcoming project in Haiti by becoming a sponsor at the Architect, Engineer or Builder Donor Levels. There are unique benefits for each sponsorship level.
I have been creating public art and community mosaic projects for twenty years and have worked in the United States, Africa and Haiti.
This year I am launching into an exciting artistic partnership with Partners in Health to develop a series of large -scale architectural and sculptural mosaic projects in a new hospital being built by PIH while training Haitian trades people in these techniques.
Your donations make these projects happen!
Art and healing environments go hand in hand and I am excited to work with PIH and their sister organization in Haiti, Zanmi Lasante to create mosaic artwork that will inspire, sooth and provide joy to hospital patients, visitors and staff.
To become a sponsor and make a tax-deductible donation to this project please contact me at Laurel@TrueMosaics.com or visit www.TrueMosaics.com and click on International Projects.
Thank you for supporting mosaic public art and healing
- Laurel True
Mosaic Artwork at Mirebalais Hospital, Haiti
“Laurel True's wonderful murals will be part of our new hospital in Mirebalais, a complex designed to be as beautiful as it is functional: to confer dignity alongside the fruits of modern medicine. The people who will seek and offer care at Mirebalais will share a built environment created to transform the community it serves. We are grateful to True Mosaics and to the art community for making possible this important work in Haiti.”
-Dr. Paul Farmer, Co-Founder Partners in Health
Partners in Health (PIH) is a non-profit public health organization dedicated to providing free and ongoing health care to patients living in poverty. They have been working in Haiti for almost 25 years and now work in 11 other countries.
Partners in Health is currently in the process of responding to the current healthcare crisis in Haiti by building a state -of- the- art teaching hospital in Mirebalais, located about 35 miles north of Port au Prince.
Mirebalais Hospital will be the largest hospital in Haiti, serving hundreds of patients a day in one of Haiti's poorest regions, with it’s opening planned for 2012.
For more information on PIH, please visit the Partners in Health Website: www.pih.org
Fe Tout Byen Ou Kapab (Do All That You Can)