Please join us Wednesday evening June 22nd at Philadelphia's Magic Gardens 1020 South Street, for this inspiring presentation.
Quick Link: http://www.philadelphiasmagicgardens.org/pages.php?ContentID=3&SubContentID=27#530
My mentor, former teacher and great inspiration Isaiah Zagar and Philadelphia's Magic Gardens will be hosting this event. Please come out and support mosaics, art in healing spaces and the work of Partners In Health and True Mosaics Studio!

The Power of Art: Fundraiser for Partners In Health/ Mosaics at Mirebalais Hospital Project in Haiti.
The Power of Art: Building Creative Capital Through Community Mosaics Community Mosaic Projects Facilitated by Laurel True in the US, Africa, and Haiti Wednesday, June 22, 2011 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Philadelphia's Magic Gardens hosts a fundraiser for the Mosaic Artwork Fund for Mirebalais Hospital, Haiti. This hospital is being built by Partners in Health and will bring much needed healthcare to Haiti's central region.
During this inspiring presentation, longtime community mosaic artist and former apprentice to PMG founder Isaiah Zagar, Laurel True will present images of numerous community mosaic projects she has facilitated nationally and internationally over the last 18 years in the US, Kenya, Ghana, and Haiti. This inspiring lecture/ presentation showcases the power of art and how community mosaics can transform lives and the environments in which they are sited.
Project documentation from a variety of projects will highlight both the community process and resulting projects and long- term community impact. Laurel's process working with community ranges from renegade street art to organized programming through schools and community centers. She partners with non-profit and community organizations to develop unique projects that reflect the individuals who create them as well as the communities the surround them.
Through community-supported fundraising, Laurel has been able to teach and train hundreds of project participants including youth, adults, tradespeople, and teachers in mosaic techniques. Her efforts have brought arts education and entrepreneurial training to under-served communities in urban and developing areas. These projects foster creative expression, teamwork, neighborhood beautification and community development through public, permanent, community-based art.
Laurel will talk about the short and long-term effects of projects in public spaces, parks, hospitals and schools and share her development plans for her upcoming projects with Partners In Health for a new hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti, which will bring mosaic public art to the hospital as well as train Haitian tradespeople in architectural mosaic-making techniques.

To become a sponsor or make a tax-deductible donation to this project pleae go to:
Fe Tout Byen Ou Kapab
(Do All That You Can)